
Milestone moments of life executed to creative precision and cemented in hearts for generations to savour and admire their legacy, by the best wedding photographers India.  The only perfect platform to experience the epitome of high flowing emotions, towering love, companionship, and harmony is wedding. A celebration of love and union of families, weddings are a life […]

They say ‘Opposites attract’ and make for the most compatible couples. Astha’s & Vijay’s story is a perfect ode to Love and getting together of opposite personalities. A journey they started as batchmates at IIT Kharaghpur, with its usual cooling off with distances and meeting again 14000 miles from their first meeting point, Kellogg School […]

Everyone loves Love stories. Some are intense- full of emotions, some are fun, some have their own share of tears, action drama, longing, joy, while some leave a soothing everlasting touch of balance and happiness. Rishika & Sarvagya’s tale of love is a beautiful amalgamation of many emotions of love, joy, fun and friendship. Their […]

The best things in life happen spontaneously and totally unplanned. Shubhum & Anuja’s love story truly epitomizes this saying. A heartwarming happy tale of love of two happy go lucky souls, Shubhum an entrepreneur specializing in furniture in Nagpur, and Anuja, a graphic designer, who met casually through families and instantly decided to become fellow […]

An extra ordinary story of love between two souls, hailing from geographically, culturally diverse backgrounds who discovered happiness in being together. Viqar, an IT entrepreneur, hailing from Srinagar, Kashmir and settled in Delhi NCR and Paridhi, based out of Kathmandu and belonging to a Marwari family, their love story was a real world take on […]

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